Curation: The Power of Selection in a World of Excess

Book Author: Michael Bhaskar

Ever found yourself lost in the endless ocean of information and choices that flood our daily lives? 

If yes, you're in good company. We live in an era where information multiplies at an exponential rate, yet we seldom discuss the crucial skill that can help us navigate this sea of excess: curation.

"Curation: The Power of Selection in a World of Excess" by Michael Bhaskar, is a compelling exploration of this underappreciated art. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to enhance their personal curation skills and gain a deeper understanding of complex social systems.

While the initial chapters successfully outline the necessity of curation in our information-saturated world, feel free to skim through the introductory sections to reach the heart of the book: the art of effective curation.

Bhaskar's framework offers a lifeline in the stormy seas of choice that splash at us daily. His curation principles equip us to sift, select, and structure the most pertinent and meaningful information across various facets of our lives. The book challenges readers to curate their media intake, social circles, and even their thoughts, fostering a life defined not by quantity, but by relevance and quality.

For businesses, Bhaskar emphasizes the escalating importance of curation amidst market saturation. He proposes that companies are evolving from mere providers of goods or services into curators of experiences, a shift that redefines the value they offer.

Going even further, he explores curation as a catalyst for social change. In our information-driven age, he believes that individuals and groups can wield the power of curation to shape discourse and drive transformation.

"Curation: The Power of Selection in a World of Excess" is a guide to an increasingly vital skill that we can all master and apply in our everyday lives to explore the endless ocean with purpose and intentionality. 

Why I recommend this book

Curation is easy to start with for your simple personal issues, like choosing which books to read. When I visit my local library, my temptation is to grab 30 books at a time. Without curation, I would probably just read books all day.

You might also want to see where else you can find elements of curation. Venture capital specifically, and investing more generally, has curation at its core. Everyone with a connection to Fresco Capital can feel the influence of curation. We're constantly trying to improve our process and having a deep appreciation of the key principles underlying successful curation helps to make us better investors for both our portfolio companies and limited partners.

Finally, curation is especially helpful in times of rapid change and high uncertainty. Every week there is a new wave of AI tools and systems jumping into the ocean of attention. Personally, when it comes to using these tools, I find that curation is the only way to avoid the sinking debris and instead focus time plus energy on the truly transformative treasures.

Tytus Michalski

Areas of interest: Networks, Space, Healthcare


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